I’m paralyzed, still, as the Truth swells and moves,
flowing over from its source, from the King of Kings.
Like a river, its unstoppable and cleansing power,
a gift for the most undeserving of His creatures,
gently streams, then gains power and momentum,
and bursts straight for the children He died to save.
I stand, not in fear at the rush of power over my soul,
but in gratitude and disbelief that Jesus gave his life,
for one who deserved death, but now stands in awe
at the sacrifice and separation that my God suffered.
Love changed the sinful scenery of my landscape,
removing the rot of sorrow and blasting the darkness,
with passion, for my sake, for us all, and from Grace.
The beauty of the Cross, the story of miraculous Truth
lives as it did and ever has done, at the foot of Mercy.